Mars Precision Rimfire (MPR) 22LR Precision Rimfire Rifle Shoot Sunday 4/6/2025 Ranges closed till 5pm!
The first event of the year will be held Sunday, April 6th, 2025. This is the first meeting of the year and will allow new folks the opportunity to see what this is all about. This is open for members of the Club and also non-members.
Jon Unger is the organizer of these events. This will be the second year for these shoots. Come out and experience the fun firsthand.
If you plan to join, be sure to register with Jon and provide your phone number in case the event is canceled due to weather. Here are the details:
- Set-up begins: 11:00 AM
- Registration opens: 11:15 AM – 11:30
- Mandatory safety briefing: 11:45 AM
- Shooting starts: 12:00 PM
We follow NSL guidelines and will have a post-match meeting to review what went well, what needs improvement, and discuss potential changes for future events. Get involved and help shape upcoming shoots!
- Minimum rounds required: 50
- Ear and eye protection: Mandatory
- Chamber flag/empty chamber indicator: Required (you can purchase one or use weed wacker string if needed).
- Fee: $10 per shooter
Youth participation is based on firearm experience and safety, not age, with the organizer’s judgment being final.
For more information or to register, contact Marsrimfire@gmail.com.
If you’d like to help with setup, work during the shoot, or assist with tear down, let Jon know. Your help will count towards event participation and activity hours.

Examples: Chamber Flag/Empty Chamber Flag