Trap Practice 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm

MRGC Grounds 205 Gun Club Lane, Mars, PA, United States

Come and learn to shoot Trap or just to practice what you know. Come and kibitz about shooting or even to help/learn to mark the scores. Starting September 10th, practice will be occurring right along the SnoBall league. The biggest difference will be you will have to shoot 50 birds! ...

Trap Practice 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm

MRGC Grounds 205 Gun Club Lane, Mars, PA, United States

Come and learn to shoot Trap or just to practice what you know. Come and kibitz about shooting or even to help/learn to mark the scores. Starting September 10th, practice will be occurring right along the SnoBall league. The biggest difference will be you will have to shoot 50 birds! ...

Trap Practice 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm

MRGC Grounds 205 Gun Club Lane, Mars, PA, United States

Come and learn to shoot Trap or just to practice what you know. Come and kibitz about shooting or even to help/learn to mark the scores. Starting September 10th, practice will be occurring right along the SnoBall league. The biggest difference will be you will have to shoot 50 birds! ...

North Suburban Trap League (NSTL) – Ranges close from 3p – Dusk

MRGC Grounds 205 Gun Club Lane, Mars, PA, United States

The North Suburban Trap League (NSTL) is an opportunity to compete weekly against trap shooters from 3 other Northern Pittsburgh sportsmen’s clubs: Rosedale Sportsmen’s Association Millvale Sportsmen’s Club North Side Sportsman’s Association The NSTL season runs through September for a total of 24 registered shoots. Registration begins at 3:30p; shooting ...

Trap Practice 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm

MRGC Grounds 205 Gun Club Lane, Mars, PA, United States

Come and learn to shoot Trap or just to practice what you know. Come and kibitz about shooting or even to help/learn to mark the scores. Starting September 10th, practice will be occurring right along the SnoBall league. The biggest difference will be you will have to shoot 50 birds! ...

Butler County Traveling Trap League @ Mars — Ranges Close at 2:30p

MRGC Grounds 205 Gun Club Lane, Mars, PA, United States

Registration starts at 3:30 pm and shooting starts at 4:00 pm. We will need help marking, loading the houses and in the kitchen – Talk to Scott Cukovich if you have any questions about the League and Mark Sabina (724-679-0204) for questions about needs for the kitchen. For more information, ...

Mars Precision Rimfire (MPR) 22LR Precision Rimfire Rifle Shoot – RANGES CLOSED UNTIL 5PM

MRGC Grounds 205 Gun Club Lane, Mars, PA, United States

This is open for members of the Club and also non-members. The gate will be open. Jon Unger is the organizer of these events. This will be the second year for these shoots. Come out and experience the fun firsthand. If you plan to join, be sure to register with Jon and provide ...

Trap Practice 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm

MRGC Grounds 205 Gun Club Lane, Mars, PA, United States

Come and learn to shoot Trap or just to practice what you know. Come and kibitz about shooting or even to help/learn to mark the scores. Starting September 10th, practice will be occurring right along the SnoBall league. The biggest difference will be you will have to shoot 50 birds! ...

Women On Target® – A NRA program. ALL RANGES CLOSED UNTIL 5PM

MRGC Grounds 205 Gun Club Lane, Mars, PA, United States

Hurry….hurry….hurry and get registered soon if you’re interested in learning about firearms, whether it’s for personal protection or to explore a new hobby! Women on Target® clinics, sponsored by the NRA, offer a great starting point. These educational, informational shooting clinics are specifically designed to teach women about firearm safety ...

Trap Practice 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm

MRGC Grounds 205 Gun Club Lane, Mars, PA, United States

Come and learn to shoot Trap or just to practice what you know. Come and kibitz about shooting or even to help/learn to mark the scores. Starting September 10th, practice will be occurring right along the SnoBall league. The biggest difference will be you will have to shoot 50 birds! ...

Trap Practice 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm

MRGC Grounds 205 Gun Club Lane, Mars, PA, United States

Come and learn to shoot Trap or just to practice what you know. Come and kibitz about shooting or even to help/learn to mark the scores. Starting September 10th, practice will be occurring right along the SnoBall league. The biggest difference will be you will have to shoot 50 birds! ...